
Hi, I’m Taylor Huggins. I’m a freelance graphic designer and (occasional) photographer located in Springfield, Ohio. Most of my work features a traditional style with inspiration gathered from music, nature, emotion, and much more.

I am an enthusiastic, self-motivated, and hard-working person with well-developed skills and more than five years of experience in graphic design and photography. Some of the programs I am most proficient in include the Adobe Suite - most specifically Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. Right after high school I attended Clark State Community College where I obtained my Photography Certification and completed several graphics courses. Most of my knowledge of graphic design was self-taught with the help of some online certification courses. Besides my design skills, I have also obtained many marketing certifications so I can be as educated as possible.

I would say that I specialize in traditional style graphics heavily influenced by music and experiences. These skills are heavily outlined in the stickers you’ll find located in my shop. However, most of my freelance work involves logos and branding for businesses, artists, and bands/musicians. Portfolio coming soon.

Art has been a huge part of my life for as long as I can remember so it when it came down to deciding what I wanted to do with my life, the decision was simple. I was going to practice art for as long as it made me happy. Currently I am an assistant preschool teacher and I run my freelance business when I am not at school.

Don’t be a stranger - say hello!

Feel free to get in touch with me. I am always open to discussing new projects, creative ideas, and opportunities to be a part of your vision.

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